Visions of plowed-under-lace danced in my head....
Nothin' like a little wedding burial to get the corn growing. Jesus H. Where the hell do you find these pictures, anyway?
I think my uncle the dairy farmer actually might have posed the same way on his wedding, but it was with the horses. They're far more romantic than Mr. Deere. Riding the John Deere is for the wedding NIGHT, girls...
Sorry, I grew up around farmers. We know ALL the baddest jokes.
Crap. Leaves us to ask the question, why didn't she marry John Deere instead??
Visions of plowed-under-lace danced in my head....
Nothin' like a little wedding burial to get the corn growing. Jesus H. Where the hell do you find these pictures, anyway?
I think my uncle the dairy farmer actually might have posed the same way on his wedding, but it was with the horses. They're far more romantic than Mr. Deere. Riding the John Deere is for the wedding NIGHT, girls...
Sorry, I grew up around farmers. We know ALL the baddest jokes.
Lee Ann
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