08 December 2004

More Stuff.

My first mitten with the requisite companion hat for the scarf. Maybe one day, I'll make another one so I can have a pair. Or perhaps not. Whatever.


Mona Schmidt said...

As I recall from watching you knit yesterday you have TWO hands - go ahead, brave the second mitt!! Bring it to the cookie exchange and I will cheer you on.

~Jo~ said...


You made my evening last thursday, I can't remember the last time I laughed so much, thank you! :) I have actually dreamed about you, I found size 45 needles and thought I need to tell Deawn, I need to find her. teeheehee! ;)

I'm tempted to go next week just for your cookies. ;)

deawn said...

Thanks to you both for the encouragement on "The Other Mitten" and "Burnt Offerings." Mona, you will be happy to know that I finished the other mitten a day after your inspirational post. And Jo, I'll take a picture of the cookies, just for you. Pity I can't photograph them in smell-o-vision, but if things work out well, I can make more we see one another next. If they turn out lousy, I can give them to you to use as weapons. Or paperweights. Maybe doorstops. I'm into bizarre crafts...it's all good...?

Mona Schmidt said...

Good to hear that you will be having two hands left once the winter is over now that both are coldburn-protected! I am still on the finishing step of two cookie batches (need to make one batch more!) and it's Monday afternoon already, for cryin' out loud...