Despite my best intentions to bust outta this midwestern hell-hole, I've been coerced into stayihg an additional week, and will be here for American Thanksgiving, plus the requisite 'day-after' football game featuring Nebraska losing huge to Colorado. This will be viewed on TV at my cousin Janet's house, and will probably involve some measure of violence directed toward my cousin Larry, who as a 'native Colorado-an' will be merciless in running smack, all freaking afternoon. Two years ago, he got pied with leftover Reddi-Whip (directly in the grill), because he didn't know when to stop. Since this year's team sucks to the absolute max, we'll have to make a run to Sam's Club so we can blast him early and often...
How on earth could I possibly miss that kind of fun?
So I'll be back November 28-ish. Stay tuned for additional details.
Nooooooo... the meetings have been too proper without you!!!
If things get too staid, just bring a whoopie cushion and just watch as hilarity ensues...
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