11 October 2005

A couple of blasts from the past...Especially For You(s).

This post (and links) are dedicated to all the knitters in attendance yesterday at the Second Cup at St. Catherine & Bleury. I won't embarrass you futher by naming names, but something tells me you're going to click on this link and this link just to see what's on the other end...


Anonymous said...

Hi Deawn! Was happy to meet you yesterday. There was a lot of ackward silences before you showed up. You remind me of my cousin Natasha, in a deranged kind of way, lol. No it's not my habit to insult people I just met, I usually wait until I know them better before I spread the abusive love...Anyway, I'll definetly be there at the next meeting. À la prochaine! Rasta chick (I could sign my own name but I'm sure you've already forgotten...)

Anonymous said...

LDamn...I could only get through 12 f**ks before I gave up. Next time just smack me with a 2 by 4.